Sunday, June 12, 2016

Midas Touch Games: The importance of physics

One of the first aspects of virtual reality is to push as far as possible realism to immerse in more detail yet the user. We are still far from perfect, between the crash bugs, sometimes very relative quality of textures, AI still has a long way to go, imprecise movements and of course the absence of meaning as touch (for the moment) or smell difficult to reproduce but which confer a sense of significant real. Yet every year new technological achievements bring us closer to realism as sought by some as Midas Touch Games. One of them: the physics engine, essential to the credibility of movements and interactions with the environment.

Midas Touch Games is a small start up company specializing in virtual reality and you guessed it, the physics engine. For them, the credibility goes largely by physics. One that governed our world and who must in turn govern the virtual world. The video game has understood for years and since the 8th generation consoles (PS3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii), physics is very present and it is currently increasingly rare to find games do not offer a realistic minimum physical one capable of handling the ragdolls (dead bodies) or objects in the environment. The movements also use this technology to simulate more realistic. When the avatar approaches a wall goes up or down stairs, or when he crosses obstacles, physics gets involved to manage its placement, orientation of the body, etc ... all coupled movements like those built through the motion capture, new animation creation system that uses sensors on real players that reproduce the movements which are then virtualized.

Midas Touch Games et un chien pour exemple

Après cette petite entrée en matière, il convient de parler du studio qui nous intéresse aujourd’hui : Midas Touch Games. Équipés d’un ancien kit Oculus Rift et d’un détecteur de mouvement pour les mains, l’utilisateur est envoyé dans un petit jardin avec pour seule et unique compagnie : un chien. Meilleur ami de l’homme dans la réalité, il peut s’avérer surprenant de réalisme et d’affection dans un monde en 3D comme tente de le montrer la start up.
Réagissant au moindre toucher, le chien se laisse caresser, prendre la patte, repousser, et ainsi de suite. Tout ça avec un réalisme assez impressionnant qui prend un compte la force appliquée au mouvement par le joueur ainsi que la forme de sa main, celle du chien et réagi ainsi en conséquence, appliquant une physique plutôt réaliste.

To reach this level of quality, techniques used long been used in animation and video games: the skeletons. The time or virtual bodies were only empty envelopes are long gone, today is reproduced muscles and skeleton in order to apply realistic animations. So if the arm moves forward, there will be repercussions on the rest of the associated members, need to animate by hand each body part. By applying a force, friction, shape, mass, converting the 3D shape in a credible object. Thus the dog, and the hands of the avatar are made with 20-30 bones to define the body. The physics engine takes over and without going into details of the operation, it becomes possible to apply a realistic management actions and interaction with the environment.

Evan Suma, a professor who studies virtual reality at the University 'of Southern California's Institute for Creative Technologies, "explains perfectly agree with Midas Touch Games, pointing that the key to give this real illusion is undoubtedly the physical. "You are not a spectator but a participant of the world," she reveals.

We let you see it for yourself:

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