Sunday, August 14, 2016

Virtual Reality Teaching: Harvard launches public 3D Lecture

Virtual reality finds its way into e-learning. The elite university Harvard is now the VR teaching. And also in Berlin, there is education in 3D.

the digital representation of a virtual world in 3D matures increasingly zoom than technology. The fundamental base technology was indeed developed many years ago. Nevertheless, one came out a long time not much more than prototypes and future visions.

So why right now the hype about virtual reality?

In order to enable an accurate human perception view, a sufficient performance of the graphics hardware. These so-called. Rendering speed has reached a high level in recent times. Thus 3D environments can finally be displayed without providing the user with delays and stuttering of images for discontent. At the same time better 3D glasses are always available.

Virtual reality is also now in the educational environment

After various specialized industrial applications VR technology therefore comes now also in the consumer sector with great interest (for example, in computer-gaming). And now is increasingly experimenting with virtual reality applications in the education and teaching field.

The modern learning experience is therefore likely to be strongly influenced in the years of virtual reality.

Harvard's largest lecture digitally in 3D

The most popular among students of Harvard University lecture is an introductory course in computer science (Computer Science 50 and "CS50"). About 800 students enroll in a semester in this course a. And that appears even more minuscule compared to the interest in the online version: the global number of participants at CS50 as a free MOOC (that "massive open online course") has already exceeded the one million mark.

In the winter semester 2016/17 CS50 is now available in the Virtual Reality version. Students are enabling with appropriate hardware 3D attend the lecture. Specifically, this will mean that the CS50 student with data goggles gets a quite similar course experience than he would participate in the first row on the presence lecture.

The exact implementation is according to Harvard University still experimental. In short announcement video of the Harvard professor, however, you get a first impression of the 360 ​​degree format. In addition to the more passive lecture attendance could in future play a role VR interactive elements. Interesting world for participants: participation in the VR version is, according to the producers and for existing MOOC again be designed to be open, inter alia, using the platform EDX. Further details will be on the CS50 page on YouTube to learn when starting in autumn be (

And what does that mean for the future of VR teaching at Harvard?

Any other VR lectures you stand there basically very optimistically. This shows once again that in the United States compared to new learning technologies, there is a great openness and enthusiasm. Speaking to Edukatico says about future VR offers:

"VR is silent in its infancy but we envision unique use cases for it: such as meeting one-on-one with remote faculty, and whole new experiences did no other medium has been able to offer. There's just something about it that's really engaging. "
(Dan Coffey, Senior Educational Production Technologist, Harvard University)

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality (VR) is the digital representation of an interactive and realistic environment. The precocious flight simulator is this a known sample application. Here pilots can learn the real-time display of a flight and the impact of your actions live. The entire flying experience is thereby technically simulated. The professional 3D visualization in the kitchen or bathroom planning are another industrial application example (for example, the recently launched "Holoroom" the US home improvement retailer Lowe's). Equally diverse VR computer games have already been developed.

A somewhat attenuated form of digital realities is the so-called. Augmented Reality (AR). This represents an electronically augmented reality, also called blended or mixed reality. In this virtual elements are projected into the real environment. One or the other, this should in the game hit "Pokemon Go" (contents are integrated into the image of the smartphone camera) or of the head-up displays in the automotive sector (information is displayed on the windscreen) must be known.

From the 3D glasses for "Head Mounted Display"

In the basic version is a perspective view as perceived through a simple 3D glasses. From a display with two superimposed images (for example, movie screen) is generated a 3D version of the eye through the glasses. In this simple embodiment, however, still lack the characteristic of a modern VR experience interactivity in real time. The image in this case not yet responded to the audience.

In other hand the so-called. Head Mounted Display (HMD), so for example in the known devices Oculus Rift or HTC Vive (each as a PC option). Here sensors for the movements of the head are also included and the graphics generated adapts in real time to these movements. The contents are as 360 placed degree video available and can be perceived by the viewer around therefore, quite as located to be part of the action. Yet intense is this spatial virtual experience when added data gloves or a gesture control. An entry-level version of HMDs are the VR goggles headsets for smartphones represent (for example, Google Cardboard or Zeiss VR One).

What exactly is to be actually achieved with this technique?

The aim of the modern Virtual Reality - technology is enabling a full immersion, that is an "immersion" in the new world with all your senses as possible. Various subjects of VR experiments have repeatedly confirmed that this is in practice already very largely succeeds. In the so-called Immersive Education then in this way virtual education is to be experienced up close, just as "Immersive Learning".

1 million students on virtual school trips with Google

Unsurprisingly is also in the field of VR training the Google Group one of the most active drivers of innovation. About Google Experiences example experimenting with virtual school excursions. 1 million students from 11 countries have already had to this "virtual field trips" competition at June 2016th Certainly not a substitute for a real trip, but as a supplement arise here but interesting possibilities.

Over 200 virtual destinations are already available from London's Buckingham Palace to the Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building in Dubai. A practical hurdle in the implementation are not (yet) the equipment costs: the required hardware for 30 students is available for around $ 10,000 in the US.

BSEL leader in the VR teaching in Germany

Also in Germany is already filed in several individual projects on use of virtual scenarios in teaching.

An existing example for several years, the "virtual 3D worlds" at the Academy of Economics and Law (HWR) in Berlin. There is under the direction of the e-learning officer Prof. Dr. Marcus Birkenkrahe e.g. experimented with seminars in an artificially generated avatar environment. It is true that at the HWR not previously worked with the full HMD technology for participants (a simple PC-based monitor display). Despite a largely immersive experience is created and even interactive applications such as communication training are successfully integrated. Up to 80 students each semester already participate in the VR-events, even if the university focus currently rather still is, according to HWR in e-learning in the field of MOOCs and blended learning concepts.

Prof. Birkenkrahe particular holds the new possibilities of immersion in the virtual environment, in contrast to simple interaction (eg Web 2.0) as crucial: "We are talking here about the on-screen learner starts, the line between its physical reality and the forgetting virtual world. "

Although there are simple video lectures at many German universities, exists at the HWR thus one of the few recent 3D versions of courses. However, the HWR seminars are not publicly available.

"Cyber ​​Classrooms" from the Black Forest

In another project, are possible with the innovative "Cyber ​​Classroom" Dealers Imsimity from the Black Forest also immersive 3D learning environments. This may, inter alia, the chemical processes are close to plants and the process of photosynthesis researched by the students. There are case variants for schools, vocational training and also an "academic edition" for universities.

Although the actual number of users of these exemplary VR training projects are still limited, here trendsetting impulses are.

It is hoped that the current skepticism about VR applications in Germany in the future something can be further turned into something positive. So far, the more negative attitude towards virtual interaction was at least according to a survey by GfK in a circle of 22 countries in Germany still most pronounced.

Better learning experience with VR

The positive effects of virtual reality teaching are obvious. The digital learning experience as a whole is more intense and closer to the analog reality experience. There are three human senses involved (seeing, hearing, feeling), which by means of a modern, fast graphics equipment already on a total immersion (immersion) makes in the digital hypothetical environment simultaneously.

Among other things, at the required experiments for educational purposes in the scientific MINT subjects of this option realistic experience can bring great benefits. Likewise, for example, when learning skills such as in medical education, which already can be made operational training in a virtual environment.

Is it worth the VR use in teaching?

It cited research that see a 90% learning in simulations, compared to 20-30% success at seeing or hearing of learning content. And although this certainly sound scientific work will be necessary: ​​already 2,500 years ago Confucius remarked about one's own experience as a method in the learning process. "I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I act and I understand"

Education for all

Simultaneously Reality formation scenarios are valid for the Virtual naturally the same advantages as for the e-learning in general. The variable cost or marginal cost of transmitting knowledge to fall to zero. Each additional participant in the educational process caused little additional cost. With its scalable access to education for other interested parties will be facilitated. A cost-effective and resource-efficient training is possible for almost unlimited subscriber groups. New learning prospective thus get first or at least easier access to learning content (condition as always in e-learning: existing hardware in the participants and sufficient computer literacy).

The biggest hurdle for VR

On the contra side can object to that little against Virtual Reality in the educational process. Of course, the long-term effects of VR sequences are (medical and psychological) to keep on the human body closely. Prof. Birkenkrahe of the BSEL has e.g. indicated that VR events are due to the sensorimotor peculiarities compared to classroom teaching of subscribers often perceived as strenuous. Simultaneously, the educational effort by the teachers in the creation of VR seminars is not negligible.

As the actual main obstacle in the spread of VR training scenarios, however, the relatively high initial investment can apply, which are as it were the downside of low running costs. However, the appropriate hardware is likely to cheapen dramatically over the next few years. And with the allocation of fixed costs in accordance with the high numbers attending these are also increasingly better tolerable.

VR-Education: "Transforming the delivery of knowledge"

Therefore not surprising that experts groundbreaking possibilities of virtual reality in an educational context. The now available graphics performance, now enables now bring existing visions step by step with new applications in the learning environment. The required 3D equipment in education participants should inter alia be also due to consumer applications continue to spread (similar to PC and Smartphone). therefore Leading international experts noted in a recent education report:

"These technologies are poised to impact learning by transporting students to any imaginable location across the known universe and transforming the delivery of knowledge and empowering students to engage in deep learning." (NMC Horizon Report 2016)

Edukatico is Your E-Learning - Portal

Thousands online courses from various suppliers from 22 subject areas, you can find to Edukatico directory. And the best VR-education programs in the coming years are of course added!

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1 comment :

  1. With HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR, we have plenty of choices when it comes to games and experiences to delve into with virtual reality.

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