Thursday, June 16, 2016

The most exciting Virtual Reality Games

On March 28, pre-order will receive the Oculus Rift. The virtual reality goggles was the forerunner of the great hype, now the Facebook company Oculus is also the first of the three major suppliers on the market. But what is really going on on the new devices? BILD presents some of the most interesting titles.
What emerges now: A common video game easy to translate into virtual reality, might not work in racing games and orbital simulations. Much more interesting, however, if the game makers develop completely new, tailored to the gaming experience ideas.

"Eagle Flight"

Let's start with something Relaxed. Ubisoft lets players in "Eagle Flight" get into the skin of an eagle and so flying over the rooftops of Paris. The player sees where otherwise his nose sits, actually a beak and left and right its wings. While there is in "Eagle Flight" a competitive mode where four players compete for points. But just as fun to simply glide over the virtual Seine to enjoy the views.

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1 comment :

  1. Virtual reality is finally hitting the mainstream, and these are the best ways to experience it.

    AR App


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